"Your go-to if you don’t make it to the #ppcchat [live discussions], and even if you do
Join this weekly (Wednesday released) roundup of the experts
giving you advice on the top & timely Paid Media issues as chatted through on the #PPCChat Twitter discussion on Tuesdays 5PM GMT. Hosted by Award Winning Speaker Anu Adegbola.
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Recently Released #PPCChat Roundup Episodes
Sarah Steman
Part of our job working in PPC is to be current and Anu helps us do just that! She adds her own thought leadership and reposts on the #PPCChat hashtag. I listen every week! Thanks, Anu.
Greg Finn
Anu does an excellent job recapping everything that happens each in #ppcchat. Her commentary, additional info, rants and sassy responses are awesome and add an extra dimension. This show is your go-to if you don't make it to the #ppcchat (and even if you do!)
Larry Chasse
Great PPC Podcast
If you want a helpful resource on what is happening in the PPC industry, this is a great resource. Anu sums up the weekly discussions as if you were there. Thanks for doing this for us all!
Pauline Jakober
Catch up on what PPC experts are saying from an expert! Anu does an exceptional job of recapping lively discussion about the latest, greatest and not so greatest about the PPC industry. For PPC professionals of all levels - don't miss.
Andrea Cruz
Boost Your PPC Knowledge
Anu is a fantastic host and well rounded digital marketer. These #ppcchat roundups are the perfect way to get a weekly dose of digital markeitng tips and tricks.
Julie Bacchini
Every week Anu takes our weekly PPC Chat Twitter chat and not only recaps it, but adds her own unique perspective as well. If you're not able to participate in the chats themselves, or if you just prefer an audio format, you will want to subscribe to this podcast.