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Are You Ready For Q4? | PPCChat Roundup EP264

Writer: Anu AdegbolaAnu Adegbola

Listen here to our experts discussing how they are preparing for Q4:

In today's episode, we have Julie alongside Duane Brown, a very much long time member of this amazing community, leading us on the topic - "Are you ready for Q4? I hope you're not listening to this on how to get ready for Q4. You should be listening to this in a - "let me make sure, all the things I've prepped for, for Q4 are right".

Platform melt down

Or, maybe there's some tweaks you can be making because at this stage, hopefully, you're not listening to this on how to get ready for Q4. You should be listening to this in a - "let me make sure, all the things I've prepped for, for Q4 are right". Or maybe there's some tweaks you can be making because at this stage, hopefully you do have most things in place and maybe you just need a little bit of advice or just someone else to say - "yep, you're on the right track for Q4".

Because this is what this community is great at. We help to rant together, confirm the thought processes that we have about certain platforms of the ways of doing things and that really does give us the confidence that we are on the right track.

So yeah. I hope you sit back and enjoy.

Questions covered: Q1 Do you feel like you’re ready for Q4? If so, why do you feel ready and if not, why not?

Q2 Has your planning for Q4 2023 been different from past Q4s? If so, how and if not, why not?

Q3 Have you increased, decreased or stayed at the same budget level for Q4 2023 versus 2022? Does this differ by platform? And what went into the budgetary decisions this year?

Q4 Are you planning on testing anything new for Q4 2023? If so, on what platform(s) and what went into your decision to try these new things?

Q5 How do you personally feel Q4 will go this year? Do you see anything out in the real world that has you leaning in one direction or another?

Q6 Does your team do anything special/different for Q5? Those are the days between Christmas and New Years Day.

Q7 Any Q4 thoughts, feelings or questions you have that we didn’t cover?

Link Shared:

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