Let's listen to the PPCChat community's thoughts how Black Friday Cyber Monday sales went and their holiday wishlist for 2025:
In today's episode, I took questions from our past two discussions. Last week Julie led us on the topic of Black Friday/Cyber Monday and how it went, and this week we talked about our holiday wishlist.
Questions covered are:
Q1 What was your overall impression of the BFCM period this year?
Q2 What is your strategy for the rest of the holiday shopping season 2024?
Q3 Have you seen any trends in advertising or sales this year that have you excited or worried? If so, what and why?
Q4 What is on your holiday wish list for Google Ads or Microsoft Ads?
Q5 What is on your holiday wish list for PPC clients or stakeholders? What do you wish they knew, did or stopped doing, etc.?
Q6 What is on your holiday wish list for the PPC industry?
For any feedback about the podcast, or maybe you want to give a correction about anything that has been shared to get in touch with me on Twitter, my DMS are open on the handle, @themarketinganu, or on LinkedIn.
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