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Capturing Attention In A Crowded World | PPCChat Roundup EP266

Writer: Anu AdegbolaAnu Adegbola

Listen here to our experts discussing how they try to capture attention in a frowded world:

In today's episode, we have Julie, bringing up a topic in light of it being Amazon prime day this week. We've got some Amazon prime days this week, so we will be focusing on capturing attention in a crowded world. We've got loads of platforms where loads of people are advertising on and the competition is higher than it has ever been. Even though there has been competition growing steadily over the years it's even higher now.

Platform melt down

There's a crowded market on pretty much all the platforms, whether it is Google or Facebook or Microsoft or even like the likes of TikTok and some of the smaller brands.

And Threads maybe? Okay maybe not threads just yet. Nope, definitely not on Threads, but also the likes of Twitter and Quora and Reddit, all those platforms have competition. And of course, Amazon with Amazon prime day. Everybody has a sale going on during Amazon prime days. So we talk about how crowded it is, what's our strategy and what we do to stand out.

Questions covered:

Q1 How competitive is advertising for the brands/industries you are currently working with for PPC advertising? And what industries are you working in?

Q2 What are some ways you try to make your ads stand out or grab attention? How/does this vary by either industry and/or platform?

Q3 Are some platforms more difficult than others for you to make headway on (are noisier or more crowded)? If so, which one(s) and why do you think that is?

Q4 Have you seen any ads lately that really caught your attention? What were they advertising and on what platform? And what, specifically, caught your eye?

Q5 Is there something you really want to try in any of your accounts that your clients or stakeholders just won’t let you run with?

For any feedback about the podcast, or maybe you want to give a correction about anything that has been shared to get in touch with me on Twitter, my DMS are open on the handle, @themarketinganu, or on LinkedIn.

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