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Google Updates - Keyword Matching & DDA | EP173 PPCChat Roundup Podcast

Writer: Anu AdegbolaAnu Adegbola

Updated: Jun 3, 2023

Today we are led by the lovely Julie Bacchini to discuss surprise, surprise, Google.

They've been really busy over the past week. You'd have thought in preparation for their birthday. That was their 23rd birthday. They'd take a break from all the updates, but no, they busted one out right before their big celebrations, I'm sure. With the DDA, in terms of attribution they've announced machine learning based data, different attribution models in the new privacy landscape.

And, that's the title from search engine land. How it's going to work is that, data driven attribution looks at all the interactions, including clicks and video engagements on your search, including shopping YouTube and display ads in Google ads, by comparing the parts of customers who converted to parts of customers who don't. The model identifies patterns among those ad interactions that lead to conversions.

So pathways instead of just the last click that derived, a conversion and there is going to be an option to opt out. There's there's going to be, there's going to be pretty much, I think from next year, I'm not sure the exact date, but very soon there's going to be a, a migration to this whole new DDA model.

And the default of last click is not going to be the default anymore, but there is an opting out option for people, which I think, at least give us that even if -we don't use it, give us the option to opt out. But for advertisers who do not wish to participate in the data-driven attribution option from Google ads, the five rule based attribution models will still be available.

That's last click, first click, linear - so distributes the credit for the conversion equally. Time decay, gives more credit to add interactions that happen closer in times of the conversion and position based - so that gives 40% of credit to both the first and last ad interaction and correspondent keywords with the remaining 20% spread out across the other ad interactions on the path.

So, more updates going on. I feel very elated as Search Engine Land has said, and that's Carolyn Lyden, she says this very much related to, the privacy landscape that's happening, especially in the wake of Google losing data to FLoC and Google's new DDA solution seems to offer more of attribution options even for smaller accounts so there's not that limitation. I think part of it is there is no that limitations of how many conversions you can have during that time.

We also had Ginny Marvin [Google's Ad Liaison] make her anouncement about the update and answer some questions which you can find here.

Also we'll be touching on, the keyword updates that happened, which I think is one of the most ridiculous headlines possible "matching the most relevant keywords to every search".

My biggest question is - isn't that what they've been doing for years or not? No? Am I the only one thinking this? It's quite ridiculous. And considering some of the matches that people have been finding, more and more people are finding matches in the search query report, matches of the same terms in different languages. Google still thinks it's okay to match our keywords to people searching for a term, but in a different language. I mean, language settings should be a lot stronger than that, but apparently not.

I'm not going to front load my rants just yet, they'll come a little bit more later, but I'll try not to overshadow some of the amazing tips that we've been given and some of the discussions and really great insights that we've been given, on the updates coming ahead.

Listen to the podcast episode on Keywords Matching and Data Driven attribution:

The questions we then covered are:

Q1 What are your thoughts/reactions to this announcement?

Q2 Is this going to change the way you set up and/or manage your Google Ads accounts? If so, how? If not, why not?

Q3 Do you have questions about how this will work that you would like to have Google Ads provide more information or explanation about?

Q4 What are your thoughts about all accounts being automatically migrated into data-driven attribution (DDA) - with opt-out as an option?

Q5 Google Ads is also removing the prior data thresholds for using DDA (current documentation lists 30,000 interactions and 30 conversions in 30 days as the minimum). What are your thoughts on this?

Q6 Google Ads is also removing the prior data thresholds for using DDA (current documentation lists 30,000 interactions and 30 conversions in 30 days as the minimum). What are your thoughts on this?

Q7 What questions do you have for Google Ads about this change?

For any feedback about the podcast, or maybe you want to give a correction about anything that has been shared to get in touch with me on Twitter, my DMS are open on the handle, @themarketinganu, or on LinkedIn.

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