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What still works today in PPC? | EP180 PPCChat Roundup

Writer: Anu AdegbolaAnu Adegbola

Updated: Apr 26, 2022

We are led by the amazing Julie Bacchini to discuss what even still works and what no longer dow in PPC (snappy title). A topic suggested by a very regular name on our chats and an amazing supporter of my podcast, Lawrence Chasse.

And rightly so, we have seen so many changes happening, and even roll backs on things we thought were going to happen. In some areas visitbility was taken away, then some given back, then taken away again, lots of changes in the UI and with ad copy (RIP ETA in 2022). It's just been a lot and it's good to take a moment to take stock of what's really working now. We had a good chat about that and if we are lucky this will count as a bat signal to the platforms to bring some tihng back - but not holding my breath for that to be honest.

Listen to the podcast episode on what still works in PPC:

The questions we went over are:

Q1 Are you finding that things that used to work well or really well in your PPC account are just not the same lately? (We will be getting into specifics in subsequent questions)

Q2 What used to work great in paid search that lately just is not working well or at all? How are you coping with these changes?

Q3 Is there something new in paid search that has been working really well for you lately?

Q4 What used to work great in paid social that lately just is not working well or at all? How are you coping with these changes?

Q5 Is there something new in paid social that has been working really well for you lately?

Q6 What is your biggest frustration or challenge right now in PPC performance? Maybe we can help each other!

Q7 Is there something that used to work well for you in paid search or paid social that you hope will one day work as well again? Do you think it will/could happen?

#PPCChat Roundup is sponsored by Opteo - a complete toolkit for Google ads managers.

And right now on the link above, you can check outa a 60 day free trial before you buy it before you put any money through - credit card details, not needed. So check them out. They're great at suggesting improvements that can be pushed live in your Google ads account, creating reports & alerts for you, and even your reports can be, be put in a way you can edit and customize it in a way that is very close to the brand or the client that you're working on.

For any feedback about the podcast, or maybe you want to give a correction about anything that has been shared to get in touch with me on Twitter, my DMS are open on the handle, @themarketinganu, or on LinkedIn.

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