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The Year in PPC - 2021 | EP185 PPCChat Roundup

Writer: Anu AdegbolaAnu Adegbola

Updated: Apr 26, 2022

Julie leads our last discussion of the year 2021- we do what everyone else is doing - we walk about The Year in PPC 2021. It may be a topic that you have seen other puplications doing but of course on here we have our PPCChat expert twist to it. It's very honest, visceral feelings about what is going on, how this year has affected us, how its changed us.

We talk about how 2021 has made us a lot more patient with some things (i.e. with platforms + clients) and our wishes for next year and just hoping time and time again that Google is paying attention and to give a bit of feedback on how we've found this year and how we'd like them to do better - do better, do more of some things and do less of some other things. As always, I hope we share your views on this and it makes you feel heard, makes you feel like you are not alone especailly with some of your frustrations.

Listen to this podcast episode on the year in PPC 2021:

The questions we go over are:

Q1 How would you sum up your thoughts on this past year in PPC?

Q2 What has been your biggest takeaway (what have you learned) from this past year of working in PPC?

Q3 What do you think the biggest change was that we experienced in PPC in 2021 or the one that impacted you and your accounts the most? How did it impact you and your accounts?

Q4 What is on the horizon for you in PPC for 2022? Plans to try anything new? Staying the course?

Q5 What is your biggest PPC wish for 2022?

Q6 What are your current favorite resources, tools, etc. that help you be your best in your PPC efforts?

Q7 What do you need or wish was available somewhere to help you in your PPC efforts? This could be a tool, resource, etc.

#PPCChat Roundup is sponsored by Opteo - a complete toolkit for Google ads managers.

And right now on the link above, you can check outa a 60 day free trial before you buy it before you put any money through - credit card details, not needed. So check them out. They're great at suggesting improvements that can be pushed live in your Google ads account, creating reports & alerts for you, and even your reports can be, be put in a way you can edit and customize it in a way that is very close to the brand or the client that you're working on.

For any feedback about the podcast, or maybe you want to give a correction about anything that has been shared to get in touch with me on Twitter, my DMS are open on the handle, @themarketinganu, or on LinkedIn.

Join us on our #PPCChat Roundup podcast, LinkedIn group, we would love to have you there. Send a request - the more the merrier.

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