Listen here to the discussion of is PPC as we know it dying? :
In today's episode we have Julie leading us in a topic that is very importnat for our future - Is PPC As We Know It Dying? :)
We share our opinions on whether it is diying, why we think it is and what we should be doing about it.
Listen to the very insightful opinions given by our #PPCChat experts.
Questions covered:
Q1 Do you think the PPC industry as we know it is dying - yes, no or not sure? Do you think the current PPC skillset is dying - yes, no or not sure?
Q2 Why do you think the PPC industry as we know it is dying or not dying?
Q3 What do you think our jobs will look like in 5 years?
Q4 What are the PPC skills of the future? And how do you feel about learning them (if you don’t already have them!)?
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