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It's Not You, It's Google Ads | EP217 PPCChat Roundup

Writer: Anu AdegbolaAnu Adegbola

Updated: Aug 19, 2022

Hello, and welcome to this week's episode of the PPCChat Roundup. In today's episode, we have Julie taken a well deserved beach break, and we have the wonderful and larger than life Amalia Fowler taking the helm on a fantastic topic. I always love saying fantastic topic, but it never becomes untrue no matter how much I say it.

And this fantastic topic is on It's not you. It's Google ad. We're gonna be discussing the changes over the past few years and best practices we found across all industries to adapt to them. We'll be crowdsourcing and doing some troubleshooting, so open up your accounts while you listen to see what you could implement now.

Listen to the experts give tips on improving your Google Ads campaigns

Questions Covered:

Q1 : It's well known there are a *lot* of changes that happen to the Google Ads platform and therefore, how we work. What changes have stymied you or frustrated you the most recently?

Q2 Let's start with match type shifts and lack of SQR data. How has this affected your account, and what strategies have you found to mitigate it? Don't forget to indicate if you have specific industry strategies for Ecomm, Lead Gen or B2B

Q3 Moving on to RSAs. With the sunset (death) of ETAs, what is your go-to RSA strategy? Do you have one, or like me, are you just figuring it out as you go? (If you're a client reading this don't worry I have a strategy called test it and see)

Q4 On to Performance Max. Just a quick one to start. Have you tried Pmax? Yes/No and why?

Q5 For those of you who have tried Performance Max - what tips and tricks or things to avoid can you give those of us on the fence (or way, way over in a faraway field)? If you haven't tried it, what in particular could someone help you with?

Q6 We're often stuck between the needs of stakeholders (bosses, clients) and Google's changes. What advice do you have on approaching those stakeholders and balancing those interests?

Q7 7a: What do you wish Google would do differently when releasing new features?

7b: What's something you learned from someone today you didn't know before?

For any feedback about the podcast, or maybe you want to give a correction about anything that has been shared to get in touch with me on Twitter, my DMS are open on the handle, @themarketinganu, or on LinkedIn.

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