Listen here to the great advice given by Boris Beceric on Lead Gen and Performance Max campaigns:
In our 314th episode - we are joined by the awesome Boris Beceric to talk about how running lead gen campaigns is very interesting, how Performance Max can work to your advantage, his frustrations with the industry and more.
Boris also gave some great advice about surviving in the PPC world in general. This isn't one to be missed.
Questions covered:
Q1 What was the biggest shift for you in how you run PPC campaign when you moved in-house
Q2 What are your general feelings towards AI
Q3 What wouldn’t you allow AI to touch
Q4 What has AI changed the most for you
Q5 Does your Lead Gen team use Performance Max
Exit questions:
What’s one thing you want to leave people with
Advice to freelancers wanting to pitch - what is important to you as a client
Best advice you have been given
Imposter Syndrome moment
Special mentions.
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