In today's episode, we have Julie taking the helm back leading us on a topic of managing PPC when tech is melting down. Anyone who has been on social media, especially on Twitter, would've heard that with Elon Musk taking over, everybody's in a bit of a kinda clamor, a little bit of a shock, and a little bit of a confusion as to how long will your communities be on Twitter and trying to find alternatives like Slack and the like.
A lot of people have stopped their Twitter advertising so it's very interesting times and don't you for a minute think that, because it's social media, it's not something that will affect PPC. It's definitely going to affect PPC. We had lots to say about it and the effect it's having on our account so far, things we're looking out for, things we're trying to prepare for, ways we are communicating it with clients and more. So we are going to talk all about that.
Listen to the experts share their fruststrations towards managing PPC when tech leadership seems to be reaching a meltdown:
Questions covered:
Q1 With all the terrible tech news - layoffs, Twitter imploding, etc. - what is your biggest concern in all of it with regard to PPC?
Q2 Have your clients or stakeholders expressed any concern about the state of the tech platforms and companies? If so, what are they worried about?
Q3 Have you seen any impacts on platforms on which you are managing advertising? If so, what have you experienced?
Q4 Are you rethinking any of your strategies with the upheaval with the platforms and in tech in general for Q4 2022 and/or beyond?
Q5 What is your outlook for both the tech sector in general and PPC as we head into 2023?
For any feedback about the podcast, or maybe you want to give a correction about anything that has been shared to get in touch with me on Twitter, my DMS are open on the handle, @themarketinganu, or on LinkedIn.
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2 more sleeps till PPC Live UK brings you its last event of the year!! 🥳
And I KNOW my super⭐️ speakers are ready. ❤️🥳
The awesome Petya Yildizgoren will help us with our very mixed feelings about Broad Match.
Global performance marketing manager Carolina Torres will take the helm of getting us to have a closer look at what makes a good account structure.
CEO of noopd, Nicolas Huber is going to get us talking & optimising towards the metric that most of our CMOs and business heads really care the most about - profit!
Finally, attribution expert Russell McAthy is going to give us actionable tips on not just how to gain profitable clicks but also profitable customers!
This is one I will be excited to be an audience for myself, as well as probably re-watch the recording over and over again.
