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Maximizing the Post Click Experience | PPCChat Roundup EP287

Writer: Anu AdegbolaAnu Adegbola

Listen here to the discussion how to maximise the post click experience:

In today's episode, we have Julie Bacchini taking us on a very interesting topic - Maximizing the post click experience. So this is talking about what to do when a landing page is not that great. It's talking about CRO, converging rate optimization, whether we have control over that, whether the clients let us in when updates are being made that will affect paid search.

Maximising Post Click Experience

Even though primarily we are in charge of sending the traffic to the site, we are now held up against metrics like conversions, return on investments, conversion rates, and all of those metrics that have to do with the landing page.

So if we're going to be held accountable for those metrics, it's all about us trying to send relevant traffic to the site. But if we send relevant to the traffic to the site, and the landing page is not great, it's not going to convert well. That means conversion rate is not going to be great. That means we really need to have input in that post click experience/the landing page when the people land on the site.

So we talk about that, how much influence we have, the most common changes we see that needs to be done and more.

Questions covered: Q1 What level of importance do you place on the post click (landing page) experience for accounts that you manage?

Q2 For accounts you manage, do you have any level of control or input over what is on the landing page, how it looks, etc.?

Q3 Are your clients or stakeholders concerned about their landing pages/post click experience? If so, what are their biggest concerns?

Q4 What are the biggest or most common issues you encounter on landing pages for the accounts you manage?

Q5 Do you have a tool or platform you like to work with for creating better landing pages/post click experiences?

Or any other methodologies for landing pages and getting your recommendations implemented?


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