Listen here to our experts discussing how they are getting a long with Performance Max and Demand Gen ads:
In today's episode, we have Julie taking us on a great topic about PMAX. I know PMAX has been around for a while now, but things have changed. Loads of updates are going to be coming up soon. You know, Google, they can't help but keeping on changing a product that they released a while ago.
So we're going to be talking about performance max and demand gen in Google ads specifically, and just seeing how we're dealing with it, what a wish list would be in terms of updates, changes and, just what's working for our clients.
Questions covered:
Q1 Are you currently using Performance Max in your accounts? If so, for how long and in what industries?
Q2 How has PMax performance been for your accounts lately?
Q3 Have you tried anything new in Performance Max or do you plan to in Q4 2023? If so, what and why?
Q4 Have you tried Demand Gen campaigns yet? If so, how have they performed? And if not, why not?
Q5 What is your Performance Max wish list? What would you like to see happen with its development?
For any feedback about the podcast, or maybe you want to give a correction about anything that has been shared to get in touch with me on Twitter, my DMS are open on the handle, @themarketinganu, or on LinkedIn.
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