Listen here to the great advice given by Matt Beswick:
In today's 311th episode - we are joined by the awesome Matt Beswick to talk about AI, keeping things simple, and removing the fluff when pitching to a client.
Matt Beswick with her over 10 years of experience, doesn't fully rely on AI but definitely uses it effectively.
Questions covered:
Q1 How did you get into client-side
Q2 AI - How is AI part of your daily work process
Q3 What frustrates you most about all the new updates
Q4 How is your PPC workload as a client-side professional
Q5 What’s one thing you want to leave people with
Q6 Advice to freelancers wanting to pitch
Q7 What is your favourite agency story to tell
Q8 What best advice have you been given?
Q9 Do you suffer from Imposter Syndrome and how do you deal with it
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