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PPC Pitfalls | PPCChat Roundup EP254

Writer: Anu AdegbolaAnu Adegbola

Updated: Mar 13, 2024

In today's episode, the lovely Julie Bacchini discusses a very fun topic: PPC Pitfalls. Some may take it seriously because mistakes aren't fun, but you have to learn from them and be able to look back at them and laugh. Thankfully, I can look back and laugh at my mistakes.

Platform melt down

So we talk about our favourite pitfalls, the common mistakes we've made, how to tackle them, how to communicate with clients about them - internally and externally, and things we need to put in place to ensure we aren't repeating our mistakes.

Listen here to people's thoughts and advice on PPC pitfalls:

Q1 What are some examples of PPC pitfalls you have encountered over the years? If so, what happened & what did you do?

Q2 Have you ever encountered issues with your client or brand’s web site that messed up your PPC efforts or strategy? If so, what happened & what did you do?

Q3 What do you typically do if things go sideways in one of your accounts or campaigns? And if it was something that was your fault, how do you handle it?

Q4 Is there a particular aspect of PPC that tends to vex you or be difficult or something that is your perpetual blind spot?

Q5 What do you think is the biggest potential pitfall in PPC these days?


If you have feedback about the podcast or want to correct anything that has been shared, get in touch with me on Twitter. My DMS are open on the handle @themarketinganu or on LinkedIn.

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