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PPC Testing in 2024 | PPCChat Roundup EP276

Writer: Anu AdegbolaAnu Adegbola

Listen here to the discussion of what PPC testing looks like in 2024:

In today's episode, we have Julie Bacchini leading us on a great topic at this time of the year, PPC testing in 2024. Testing is very important and is really what we should spend, I'd say 80% to 90% of our time doing.

Platform melt down

PPC is not about new stuff. It's not about just trying to just implement every new thing that comes out. Every new update that Google releases. And even when those updates come out, it's not just about putting them in place. It's about testing them. It's about comparing them to what you are already doing

Some things might not need to change, but some things might need to change. And because one tool is working for one of your competitors, doesn't mean that is the kind of things that you should be doing, but you should test it and let the data lead your strategy and your direction.

So we talk all about that in terms of what we're testing, how testing has changed over time, how we approaching it biggest testing frustrations an of course the different types of things that we plan on testing in 2024.

Questions covered: Q1 How do you think testing in PPC has changed in the last few years? Does it differ by platform?

Q2 How are you approaching testing these days? Does it differ by platform?

Q3 What do you test most frequently - keyword or audience targeting, ad copy, images, etc.?

Q4 What are your biggest testing frustrations? Does it vary by platform?

Q5  Are there things you want or plan to test in the first half of 2024?

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