Let's listen to the PPCChat community's thoughts navigating ad platforms decisions:
In today's episode, we are led by Julie Bacchini in a very interesting discussion - we're talking about what now, navigating ad platform decisions. This is off the back of Mr. Zuckerberg himself sharing a post saying that they are going to stop fact checking, i.e. using a third party tool and will moving to a community notes model.
We're going to be talking about, what we feel about that for Meta and the different platforms. We even cover the likes of TikTok and on Twitter, how this update makes us think about when the Mr. Musk himself took over Twitter and what that did to the industry.
We're going to be talking about opinions of it, whether that has given us pause in terms of implementing any paid social strategy, whether we are going to take any responsibility in warning the clients about the effects of this.
What does this mean for brand safety and more.
Questions covered are:
Q1 Much like Twitter before this, after their change in ownership and subsequent policy changes, do these changes on Meta cause you to feel any differently about the platform, either personally or professionally?
Q2 Has any of last week’s happenings with Meta given you pause over continuing to recommend advertising on their platform? If so, why and how? And if not, why not?
Q3 Do you think as advertising managers we have any responsibility in where our clients or brands advertise? Or do we just do what the client/brand wants no matter what?
Q4 Is “brand safety” a concern of yours and/or your clients or stakeholders? If so, is it a primary concern?
Q5 Which ad platforms do you think are the “safest” for brands to be advertising on today? What makes you feel they are safer than others?
Links shared:
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